Tuesday, October 26, 2010

10 things I have learned with this blog

Entertainment around the world has been the first blog I, Itziar Fernández, have ever created. With the help of the other blog member, Enrique Aguilar, Leire Emparanza, Guillermo Gabilondo and Maria Eugenia Tena, we did a big effort to post every week something from the continent we picked related to the world of entertainment.
  1. First and one of the most important things I learned is working as part of something, as a member of a team, sharing ideas and learning from others. You don't know how much you can actually learn from the person standing right next to you until you stop and listen carefully. With this blog not only did I learn from my team-mates but also from other people who can gave me tips on how to make my blog posts more interesting or helping me by criticising my posts contents.

  1. Secondly I learned a lot about urban dancing, in this case about the Hip Hop culture. My two important hobbies are music and dancing and I have always loved dancing Hip Hop and with this post I learned about its origin and the way Hip Hop is expressed in society like in cloths, dancing, singing... I loved researching about this theme.

  1. The third thing I learned was how I could link my posts with other blogs that had similar contents and that could be useful for my blog readers. In my third post I linked it with some different blogs that talked about the MTV awards, the Oscars, the Carnivals and the best festivals in South America, some blogs that I thought were interesting and well kept.

  1.  I this same post I learned a fourth thing, how to add images legally to my posts. I learned how to use flickr which is a site where people upload pictures so the rest of us can use them. It is very important to always say who the pictures authors are.

  1. The fifth thing I learned about my second big hobby which is music. I didn't know to what extent Jazz was important in the USA, how this music became little by little more popular and went from being a music of the street to being played in the most famous theatres of the world.

  1. In the same Jazz post I learned about the existence of blogs that not only had text but also had audio or even more surprising videos. I linked two videoblogs to my post so my readers could instantly go see these videoblogs.

  1. After seing how videoblogs exited I learned about another concept in the world of Web 2.0 which are the podcasts and how easy the podcasts could be uploaded to my own posts, making it more interesting and dynamic.

  1. The eight thing I learned was on how to ask interesting questions to a important person. I this case I wanted to interview Peyton Manning, a very important football player in the United States. Since football is so big in almost every American citizen, specially when the Super Bowl starts when everyone leaves of necessary everything behind to be able to watch the game.

  1. The ninth thing I learned was on how to design and write in a blog. Making it simple so people will want to read your post, having quality information and writing in a way that everyone will understand. With no grammar mistakes of course and making as many paragraphs as needed.

  1. Finally I learned how important it is to have valid information, know the sources that you are using are legit, and making sure that your posts are linked to all the site take information from. When you have a lot of links others will link you too making a kind of a virtual neighbourhood and helping one another completing your contents with what ever information you need.

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