I have learned lots of things during the elaboration of the posts of these blog, but there are several things that I consider most important than others:
1.The first thing and the most important is that I have learned to work in group with my partners, who are Leire Emparanza, Mariu Tena, Itziar Fernandez and Guillermo Gabilondo.
2.The second thing that I have learned is how to make a blog and how to design it.
3.The design of the blog is the third thing that I have learned. These third thing I have learned includes elements like videoposts, images and gadgets.
4.Thanks to these practices and the blogs I actually know much more about the cultures that are inside Asia, like the Chinese or Japanese cultures.
5.I have learned to use online tools like delicious, flickr or Google blogsearch.
6.With the help of the teacher Orihuela I have learned to use correctly the social webs like Twitter or Facebook for make better the relations with other blogs and webs.
7.I have perfectionated my control of english writing and speaking.
8.Now I know good pages for download good quality images withouthaving copyright problems like Flickr.
9.I know thanks to these blog practices how is the work of a Dj in Japan like the work of Dj Kentaro, the best Dj of Japan.
10.I have learned new things about the web 2.0 like the podcasts and the videoblogs who can be very usefuls for the elaboration of a future project
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Interview with DJ Kentaro
DJ Kentaro is is the best known DJ throughout Japan. He became famous when he became champion in the
2002 DMC World Final, when he was only 20 years old. He became one of the first Asians who won the DMC World Final, receiveng the highest score in DMC. The music in Japan is very different of the Europe music with other rythms and sounds. Despite of this Dj Kentaro plays usually hip hop and for understand better his passion for his work would be useful ask him some questions.
-Why and when do you started getting interested for the DJ's world?
-You was the champion of the DMC Japan Final ¿what techniques did you used?
-In which countries have you worked?Do you like more Japan?
-Do you think Europe music is very different from Asia music?
-What do you think about the Hip Hop progression in competitions such as the DMC Japan ?
2002 DMC World Final, when he was only 20 years old. He became one of the first Asians who won the DMC World Final, receiveng the highest score in DMC. The music in Japan is very different of the Europe music with other rythms and sounds. Despite of this Dj Kentaro plays usually hip hop and for understand better his passion for his work would be useful ask him some questions.
-Why and when do you started getting interested for the DJ's world?
-You was the champion of the DMC Japan Final ¿what techniques did you used?
-In which countries have you worked?Do you like more Japan?
-Do you think Europe music is very different from Asia music?
-What do you think about the Hip Hop progression in competitions such as the DMC Japan ?
photo taken by BEN LORPH
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Interview with Imanol Martínez
We can say that New Zealand's popularity over the world is due to its national rugby team: All Blacks
I interviewed a rugby player to get to know this phenomenon better.
1) How important is rugby in New Zealand?
It is very important as it is considered national sport and it joins together New Zealanders, just as the Spanish soccer selection did at the last World Championship of Soccer.
2) Do you think this is a dangerous sport?
Rugby is not more dangerous than any other sport of contact. Every sport, the ones with contact specially, makes the players be at risk of being injured. We, rugby players, spend lot of the training time strengthening our bodies at the gym not only with the objective of wining strength, but to improve our physical condition so that we avoid injuries. Unfortunately, the majority of the injuries are caused in the head (specially in the neck) and also in the shoulders. I could ensure that more than the half of the injuries happens due to the contact between the players and the rest of them, due to hits when falling.
3) Which is your position when playing?
Ok, before telling my position, I should explain that in the traditional rugby, two general positions can be distinguished. The forwards, also known as the fats ( with no offense, it's just because they are usually the heaviest and strongest players of the team) and the backs or three-quarters, which must be as fast and skillful as possible. Between the front players, we identify the first line composed by two props and one hooker. These players must be strong and heavy. Then, there is a second line in which two players with good physical presence and a good jumping technique play. And finally, there is a third line in which we can find the commonly known “eighth”, protected by two “flankers”. This position, the “eighth”, is my position, and it is my objective to open space in the contrary defense and be intelligent and intimidating, but always with a good self-control.
4) Does it creates mass movement in New Zealand?
And not only in New Zealand! It is a very influential sport in Australia too and this generates a big competition between both countries. One of the factors which makes rugby be the national sport in this country is the mass of people that follow this sport league supporting the different teams.
5) Would you say that it is an important factor of the tourism of New Zealand?
Absolutely. Besides the landscape wich attracts people to this country, the rugby is another relevant factor of the tourism which we should bear in mind. Lot of people go to New Zealand to watch good rugby.
6) What position holds this country in the world clasification?
The "All Blacks" (the national team of New Zealand), is the best team all over the world having won once the World Championship and 9 times the championship of the "tri nations".
7) What is the "Haka"?
It is the dance that the "All Blacks" dance before each match to reivindicate their culture and to intimidate the opponent.
8) Does the "Haka" influence New Zealanders? If so, how?
I interviewed a rugby player to get to know this phenomenon better.
1) How important is rugby in New Zealand?
It is very important as it is considered national sport and it joins together New Zealanders, just as the Spanish soccer selection did at the last World Championship of Soccer.
2) Do you think this is a dangerous sport?
Rugby is not more dangerous than any other sport of contact. Every sport, the ones with contact specially, makes the players be at risk of being injured. We, rugby players, spend lot of the training time strengthening our bodies at the gym not only with the objective of wining strength, but to improve our physical condition so that we avoid injuries. Unfortunately, the majority of the injuries are caused in the head (specially in the neck) and also in the shoulders. I could ensure that more than the half of the injuries happens due to the contact between the players and the rest of them, due to hits when falling.
3) Which is your position when playing?
Ok, before telling my position, I should explain that in the traditional rugby, two general positions can be distinguished. The forwards, also known as the fats ( with no offense, it's just because they are usually the heaviest and strongest players of the team) and the backs or three-quarters, which must be as fast and skillful as possible. Between the front players, we identify the first line composed by two props and one hooker. These players must be strong and heavy. Then, there is a second line in which two players with good physical presence and a good jumping technique play. And finally, there is a third line in which we can find the commonly known “eighth”, protected by two “flankers”. This position, the “eighth”, is my position, and it is my objective to open space in the contrary defense and be intelligent and intimidating, but always with a good self-control.
4) Does it creates mass movement in New Zealand?
And not only in New Zealand! It is a very influential sport in Australia too and this generates a big competition between both countries. One of the factors which makes rugby be the national sport in this country is the mass of people that follow this sport league supporting the different teams.
Photo taken by Kiwi Flickr
Absolutely. Besides the landscape wich attracts people to this country, the rugby is another relevant factor of the tourism which we should bear in mind. Lot of people go to New Zealand to watch good rugby.
6) What position holds this country in the world clasification?
The "All Blacks" (the national team of New Zealand), is the best team all over the world having won once the World Championship and 9 times the championship of the "tri nations".
7) What is the "Haka"?
It is the dance that the "All Blacks" dance before each match to reivindicate their culture and to intimidate the opponent.
8) Does the "Haka" influence New Zealanders? If so, how?
It influences hugely to people from New Zealand as it has its origins in a maori dance and it makes people feel identificated with the nation.
10 things I have learned with this blog
Entertainment around the world has been the first blog I, Itziar Fernández, have ever created. With the help of the other blog member, Enrique Aguilar, Leire Emparanza, Guillermo Gabilondo and Maria Eugenia Tena, we did a big effort to post every week something from the continent we picked related to the world of entertainment.
- First and one of the most important things I learned is working as part of something, as a member of a team, sharing ideas and learning from others. You don't know how much you can actually learn from the person standing right next to you until you stop and listen carefully. With this blog not only did I learn from my team-mates but also from other people who can gave me tips on how to make my blog posts more interesting or helping me by criticising my posts contents.
- Secondly I learned a lot about urban dancing, in this case about the Hip Hop culture. My two important hobbies are music and dancing and I have always loved dancing Hip Hop and with this post I learned about its origin and the way Hip Hop is expressed in society like in cloths, dancing, singing... I loved researching about this theme.
- The third thing I learned was how I could link my posts with other blogs that had similar contents and that could be useful for my blog readers. In my third post I linked it with some different blogs that talked about the MTV awards, the Oscars, the Carnivals and the best festivals in South America, some blogs that I thought were interesting and well kept.
- I this same post I learned a fourth thing, how to add images legally to my posts. I learned how to use flickr which is a site where people upload pictures so the rest of us can use them. It is very important to always say who the pictures authors are.
- The fifth thing I learned about my second big hobby which is music. I didn't know to what extent Jazz was important in the USA, how this music became little by little more popular and went from being a music of the street to being played in the most famous theatres of the world.
- In the same Jazz post I learned about the existence of blogs that not only had text but also had audio or even more surprising videos. I linked two videoblogs to my post so my readers could instantly go see these videoblogs.
- After seing how videoblogs exited I learned about another concept in the world of Web 2.0 which are the podcasts and how easy the podcasts could be uploaded to my own posts, making it more interesting and dynamic.
- The eight thing I learned was on how to ask interesting questions to a important person. I this case I wanted to interview Peyton Manning, a very important football player in the United States. Since football is so big in almost every American citizen, specially when the Super Bowl starts when everyone leaves of necessary everything behind to be able to watch the game.
- The ninth thing I learned was on how to design and write in a blog. Making it simple so people will want to read your post, having quality information and writing in a way that everyone will understand. With no grammar mistakes of course and making as many paragraphs as needed.
- Finally I learned how important it is to have valid information, know the sources that you are using are legit, and making sure that your posts are linked to all the site take information from. When you have a lot of links others will link you too making a kind of a virtual neighbourhood and helping one another completing your contents with what ever information you need.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
10 things I learnt with this blog
- Link everything you can: I didn't know before that linking was so useful. You can quote everything you want, any source, as long as you link.
- The rich source of information that Africa has online: We always think that as Africa is not developed enough to have a wide internet culture, but that's not true!
- You can reflect your personality in your blog: If you have interest, If you want to show to the world something different, a weblog is a good way to do it.
- You can adapt the appearance of your blog to the theme: You can change the colours, the text...etc
- You can easily ad photos, videos, podcasts to enrich your blog: Do not limit yourself to text!
- I have discovered lots of new tools online: delicious, google docs, blogger...etc.
- I didn't know that you can't put any photo that you want online, so I used Flickr (something I had never heard about!)
- I learned that a blog has different parts: blogroll, gadgets, title, description...etc.
- We used a really interesting tool online: Google docs. It allows you to share in real time documents with your friends or colleagues, to edit them at the same time, and to use them in any device you want.
- Finally, I didn't know that I was able to create my own blog!It's not about me, but the content that I treated was interesting and I discovered many things about African entertainment.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Interview with Peyton Manning
Photo by: Jeffrey Beall
Peyton Manning, the smartest quarterback nowadays in the NFL has achieved every quarterback's dream leading his team (Indianapolis Colts) to the victory of the Super Bowl, the most important American football competition in the world.
To understand better the importance of football in American culture we made some questions for this important player:
1.) What makes American football so fascinating to watch?
2.) In your case, how is football addicting? Why do you like playing it so much?
3.) Is team work important in this game? Is quarterback the most important position in the team?
4.) Has American football spread all over the world or is it just a phenomenon that appeared in the USA and stayed there?
5.) Is the NFL the only football league in the USA?
6.) Does this league treat its participants with enough respect?
7.) How has American football affected your life? And your family?
8.) Outside of the USA American football is seen as a dangerous sport. Is this true? Are there a lot of accidents during the football season?
9.)Why the popularity of the Super Bowl?
10.) How does the Super Bowl affect an American citizen's daily life?
Peyton Manning, the smartest quarterback nowadays in the NFL has achieved every quarterback's dream leading his team (Indianapolis Colts) to the victory of the Super Bowl, the most important American football competition in the world.
To understand better the importance of football in American culture we made some questions for this important player:
1.) What makes American football so fascinating to watch?
2.) In your case, how is football addicting? Why do you like playing it so much?
3.) Is team work important in this game? Is quarterback the most important position in the team?
4.) Has American football spread all over the world or is it just a phenomenon that appeared in the USA and stayed there?
5.) Is the NFL the only football league in the USA?
6.) Does this league treat its participants with enough respect?
7.) How has American football affected your life? And your family?
8.) Outside of the USA American football is seen as a dangerous sport. Is this true? Are there a lot of accidents during the football season?
9.)Why the popularity of the Super Bowl?
10.) How does the Super Bowl affect an American citizen's daily life?
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Myriam Omarrementería, "Afro-holic"
Hello Myriam, as I can see, you are very keen on traveling to Africa. How many African countries have you visited?
-I have been in Morocco, Tunisia, Mauritania, Tanzania and Egypt.
In which one have you find more ways of entertainment?
-Defnetily, in Morocco. If you go to Marrakesh you can find everything very close and accessible. You can visit the Zoco or spend several nights in the Medina, it's a wonderful experience. Besides, you can go to the desert or go to the kashbas.
What about Tanzania?
-It is also wonderful. You can enjoy yourself in very different ways such as Safaris, going to the Islands (Zanzibar) but the problem is that everything is far and not so accesdible as in Morocco. You have to go to some places even by plane, it's like visiting several countries. I spent a whole month with the albinos and it was an unforgottable experience. Besides, I visited the country.
Did you enjoy Mauritania?
-Of course. I made a 5 days-tour walking on the desert and I experienced an incredible calm and peace. The light of the desert was something I never expected to be so beautiful.
And finally, what could you suggest about Tunisia?
- I went there as a part of a cruise visit, and it was much more typical, I didn't experienced it as an adventure. Nevertheless, I had a good time shopping with my family.
-Why Africa?
It's a really interesting continent which has lots of things to teach us. We think that they are poor and unhappy, but they are very rich: They have wonderful countries with amazing landscapes to visit.
Thank you very much Myriam.
-I have been in Morocco, Tunisia, Mauritania, Tanzania and Egypt.
In which one have you find more ways of entertainment?
-Defnetily, in Morocco. If you go to Marrakesh you can find everything very close and accessible. You can visit the Zoco or spend several nights in the Medina, it's a wonderful experience. Besides, you can go to the desert or go to the kashbas.
What about Tanzania?
-It is also wonderful. You can enjoy yourself in very different ways such as Safaris, going to the Islands (Zanzibar) but the problem is that everything is far and not so accesdible as in Morocco. You have to go to some places even by plane, it's like visiting several countries. I spent a whole month with the albinos and it was an unforgottable experience. Besides, I visited the country.
Did you enjoy Mauritania?
-Of course. I made a 5 days-tour walking on the desert and I experienced an incredible calm and peace. The light of the desert was something I never expected to be so beautiful.
And finally, what could you suggest about Tunisia?
- I went there as a part of a cruise visit, and it was much more typical, I didn't experienced it as an adventure. Nevertheless, I had a good time shopping with my family.
-Why Africa?
It's a really interesting continent which has lots of things to teach us. We think that they are poor and unhappy, but they are very rich: They have wonderful countries with amazing landscapes to visit.
Thank you very much Myriam.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Videoblogs and podcasts of Asia
Asia is a huge continent that contains a large number of countries within it. Each country is very different from others in many aspects, and is for these reason why they are necessary videoblogs like Asian Correspondent.This videoblog is primarily responsible for disseminating news that take place throughout Asia for read news on a easier way.
We can see also another videoblog that is the Video-link Japan, which is an videoblog from Tokyo that includes a wide variety of videos such as an robot congress or a geisha performance. These videoblog gives information about a wide range of topics using many visual content and texts for entertain.
China is on of the biggest countries and also very powerful. This site is immersed in the Chinese economy and business, analyzing everything that is in relation with this, like economic policies or interviews with key figures in the international economy.
Bangkok podcast is a site that have lots of podcasts that cover a very large amount of topics. Some of these podcasts are dedicated to entertainment, but others are intended to provide assistance such as Finding apartment that focuses on helping you find apartments or Thai language series , that is dedicated to help learning the local language.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Australian Videoblogs and Podcasts
Australia is home to some of the great waves on the planet. Besides the kangaroos and koalas, the surf is one of the most interesting attraction in this country. Its big beaches and surf championships makes people from all over the world get to Australia.
It is good to know that there is no surfing in the north of the island because of the salt water crocodriles and the stingers (jellyfish). The east coast is place for surfing experts, who usually catch waves at the legendary Kirra and Burleigh Head. The weather in this spots is great and the sea temperature is warm.
You can find 20 feet waves in the south coast, where the sea temperature is cold all year round. The most famous spot is Bells Beach. As in the east coast, the west coast is also frequented by experienced surfers catching dangerous and powerfull waves. Nevertheless, there is a good city for beginners to surf calmly called Perth. This is not the unique place in the island for starters to go, as Newcastle, Sydney and the Gold Coast are appropriate for them too.
There is a great deal of surfing events coming up soon such as the Ocean & Earth Teenage Rampage Serie, the Rip Curl Grom Search and the Surfing Victoria Annual General Meeting.
Here you have some related videoblogs where you can see people surfing in the many beaches that I have already described.
Videoblogs: Surfing Life
Coastal Watch
Australia is also the most touristic country in Oceania due to its huge and attractive cities: Sydney and Melbourne. Here you have two podcasts describing and talking about each of these cities, providing you with interesting information such as its population, weather and the most popular and touristic places of the cities.
Here you have some related videoblogs where you can see people surfing in the many beaches that I have already described.
Videoblogs: Surfing Life
Coastal Watch
Australia is also the most touristic country in Oceania due to its huge and attractive cities: Sydney and Melbourne. Here you have two podcasts describing and talking about each of these cities, providing you with interesting information such as its population, weather and the most popular and touristic places of the cities.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Jazz: From New Orleans to the rest of the world.
The United States is the home of the artist, of a creative person, the home of that one that can bring something new to this world and sorprise us with it, one of the main reasons why the americans seem to come up with something original everyday is because of the confluence of different cultures and races. The most famouse jazz musicians come from the United States, in fact this music genre originated in African-american communities in the Southern United States, specially in New Orleans, in the late 20s. The African culture that their ansestors had passed them on was mixed with the different european rythmes and this is mainly how jazz was born.
Even though the origins of jazz are in the United States, after its big boom in the music world it spread all over. Nowadays we can find artists from all over the world and festivals are celebrated every year in different countries.
Some of the most famous jazz artist in the history of jazz are:
Louis Armstrong:
by: Samkling
Miles Davis:
by: Exquisitur
Charlie Parker:
by: Bunky's pickle
Billie Holiday:
Ornette Coleman:
by: Volumen12
Duke Ellington:
by: Bobster855
Benny Goodman:
by: Heinrich Klaffs
-We can see how only one of them in not african-american.
Some videoblogs where we can appreciate the magic of jazz music are these ones:
Best Jazz Videos
Jazz Videos
Two relevant podcasts:
-Jazz music:
-A todo Jazz:
Even though the origins of jazz are in the United States, after its big boom in the music world it spread all over. Nowadays we can find artists from all over the world and festivals are celebrated every year in different countries.
Some of the most famous jazz artist in the history of jazz are:
Louis Armstrong:
by: Samkling
Miles Davis:
by: Exquisitur
Charlie Parker:
by: Bunky's pickle
Billie Holiday:
Ornette Coleman:
by: Volumen12
Duke Ellington:
by: Bobster855
Benny Goodman:
by: Heinrich Klaffs
-We can see how only one of them in not african-american.
Some videoblogs where we can appreciate the magic of jazz music are these ones:
Best Jazz Videos
Jazz Videos
Two relevant podcasts:
-Jazz music:
-A todo Jazz:
Monday, October 11, 2010
Remarkable videoblogs and podcasts about African Entertainment
Podcasts from Afropop Worldwide: "Afropop Worldwide is a radio program, a web site, a searchable database, an international musical archive, and a team of dedicated researchers. “Afropop” is also now used as a general term to describe popular African music."
If you want to travel to Africa and enjoy it as an African person, an interesting idea it's to play music with African people.
One of the most interesting videoblogs of African music is djembefola.com. Apart from teaching you how to play the djembe, they publish interviews, articles, a monthly newsletter and all the latest African drumming and African music news and reviews.It's a must for djembe players!
Before going to Africa and squeezing all its attractive, you had better know what to do and explore. This videoblog, despite the fact that it's in Spanish(you can always translate it) it shows you the most beautiful places to stay and visit. A must for African travelers. The videoblog is called viajesalpasado.com.
Wanda's Picks: This is a black arts and culture site. In their podcasts, they discribe every stage of African art: Theatre, Films, Music, Visual arts...etc. They have 170 episodes so you can be an expert of African entertainment trough this site!
Podcasts from Afropop Worldwide: "Afropop Worldwide is a radio program, a web site, a searchable database, an international musical archive, and a team of dedicated researchers. “Afropop” is also now used as a general term to describe popular African music."
In podcast.com, we can find all the podcast from this site and learn more from African music and culture.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Asian food
Asia is a vast continent that contains a large amount of cultures.These cultures are very rich and range from traditional dances to a large number of rites,despite of this I'm going to focus on some of the most common foods in some of the great countries of Asia.
The first food that I'm going to describe is the tempura which is a traditional japanese food consisting of fried vegetables or seafood. The main feature of the tempura is that before friying vegetables and seafood are passed by a mass composed by cold water, wheat flour, eggs and baking powder.The entire process, from developping the mixture to frying seafood or vegetables are done with chopsticks.The tempura is served with various sauces, but the most common use to be the soy sauce.Some restaurants have become famous for the quality of cooking tempura like Tentomi restaurant.
The first food that I'm going to describe is the tempura which is a traditional japanese food consisting of fried vegetables or seafood. The main feature of the tempura is that before friying vegetables and seafood are passed by a mass composed by cold water, wheat flour, eggs and baking powder.The entire process, from developping the mixture to frying seafood or vegetables are done with chopsticks.The tempura is served with various sauces, but the most common use to be the soy sauce.Some restaurants have become famous for the quality of cooking tempura like Tentomi restaurant.
photo taken by FotoCuisine
Regarding the Chinese food I'm goingo to talk about the dim sums leaving aside the most famous meals of Chinese cuisine that are the varieties of rice and noodles.The dim sums as well as much of Chinese food are light meals that can be cooked in various ways such as boiled or fried.The dim sums are characterized by being composed of a mass (usually rice), which is rolled up around vegetables, meat or fish. The filling of the dim sum will be cooked quickly without making the mass release. The dim sums are mainly consumed in China, especially in the Cantonese areas, but they are also consumed in other parts of Asia.
photo taken by babymtham
Monday, October 4, 2010
"Panafrican Film and Television Festival of Ouagadougou"
As you all know, my task in this blog is to talk about any way of entertainment possible in Africa.
Having said that,let's start:
Many people think that, in Africa nobody watches or produces cinema. But that is not the truth: Production figures are close to them of an independent industry. From 1969 til nowadays has been developping in Burkina Fasso the "Panafrican Film and Television Festival of Ouagadougou" (its capital city). It is the largest cultural event on the African continent on a regular basis and its aims are: African cinema and African producers. It begins every last Saturday of February, every odd year. It takes place at the stadium "August 4", which its national stadium.The festival was born from the illusion of a cinema club of Ouagadougou and has grown in recent years and has become a cultural reference for Africans and the international press, especially since the release of "11'09'01", a short film about the tragedy of September Eleven, in which one of its directors was Indrissa Ouedraogo, from Burkina Fasso.
The next February 26, 2011 will begin its twelfth edition which will run until 5 March and the theme will be "Cinèma Africain et Marches".
-¿What is FESPACO?
Having said that,let's start:
Many people think that, in Africa nobody watches or produces cinema. But that is not the truth: Production figures are close to them of an independent industry. From 1969 til nowadays has been developping in Burkina Fasso the "Panafrican Film and Television Festival of Ouagadougou" (its capital city). It is the largest cultural event on the African continent on a regular basis and its aims are: African cinema and African producers. It begins every last Saturday of February, every odd year. It takes place at the stadium "August 4", which its national stadium.The festival was born from the illusion of a cinema club of Ouagadougou and has grown in recent years and has become a cultural reference for Africans and the international press, especially since the release of "11'09'01", a short film about the tragedy of September Eleven, in which one of its directors was Indrissa Ouedraogo, from Burkina Fasso.
The next February 26, 2011 will begin its twelfth edition which will run until 5 March and the theme will be "Cinèma Africain et Marches".
-¿What is FESPACO?
Photo by:bbcworldservice
Ivy Lounge
As I said in my first blog, it is my task to research and write about the ways of entertainment in Oceania. Surfing on the internet, I found the perfect place to spend the night with your friends with a good atmosphere during your stay in Sidney:
The Ivy Lounge, located in 330 George Street, is one of the best discotheques of Sidney. This bar is very special for its many different rooms and service. Not only it has the lounge where you can relax and choose a drink from the cocktail list, but there is also the “ivy bar”, “the den”, “the kitchen”, “the lawn” and some more restaurants. Telephone number: +61 2 9240 3000
The Ivy Lounge, located in 330 George Street, is one of the best discotheques of Sidney. This bar is very special for its many different rooms and service. Not only it has the lounge where you can relax and choose a drink from the cocktail list, but there is also the “ivy bar”, “the den”, “the kitchen”, “the lawn” and some more restaurants. Telephone number: +61 2 9240 3000
Inspired in the 1950s, you will find a very attentive staff, a variety of cocktails designed by Mikey Enright and Thai delicacies.
Opening: Monday to Friday - from 11am until late
Saturday - 6pm until late
Winner of the “Time Out Sidney Bar Awards” becoming best bar of the year in 2008, is designed to provide you with intimate seats to have private chats and a relaxing time. There is an "Ivy bar drinks menu", as well as a dance floor disposed.
Opening: Monday to Friday – 11am until late
Decorated with silk ottomans, high-backed armchairs, turquoise velvet drapes and mirrors everywhere, the sense of luxury is all over the room. There is “the den menu”, where you can find from a list of cocktails made by Mikey Enright to the Sailors Thai menu.
Opening: Monday to Friday – 11am until late
Saturday – 6pm until late
Party in the terrace with its “grass carpet” and a “mist” shower designed to feel like in summer all year round. Decorated with French-style sofas and cabanas. You can choose what to drink from “the lawn drinks menu”.
Opening: Monday to Friday – 11am until late
Saturday – 6pm until late
Created by award-winning head chef David O'Brien, you can select your meal from the range of delicious dishes of the “Kitchen menu”.
Opening: Monday to Friday – 12pm to 10pm
Saturday – 6pm to 10pm
The beginning of Hip Hop in the USA
As I am in charge of talking about entertainment in America, this week I will talk about Hip Hop. Hip Hop is not only a form of entertainment but a whole culture and lifestyle that started in the late 1960's in the South Bronx of New York, the Official Birthday of Hip Hop is November 12, 1974.
The origins of Hip Hop are found in African-American culture and music. The griots of West Africa are a group of travelling singers that started hundreds of year ago; their vocal style is similar to rap singers. The term rap was derived in the 1960's, from a slang word that basically meant conversation. The word rap is sometimes used synonimously with hip hop, but we can't forget that Hip Hop is a whole culture.
The history of Hip Hop can be classified into different categories: hip hop music, hip hop dance, hip hop art and hip hop fashion.
Hip Hop music is a vocal style known as rap along with rhythmic backing beats. The history of this music can be divided into two eras, first the old school era (1970-1985) and next the golden age era (1985-1993).
Hip Hop art, also refered as "Tragging" or "Graffiti" was introduced in New York in the 1960's. It's a form of art in which the author usually signs of the wall, since this form of art is generally seen on walls, from streets of subways.
Hip hop fashion became very popular around teenagers around 1960 and in the 1980's Kani started the first hip hop fashion brand. The main characteristic this fashion was baggy clothes and a whole lot of accesories like diamond earings,golden necklaces, multi-fingered rings, baseball caps and custom sneakers.
Hip hop dance or Break dancing is a dance known for its frenetic, distinctive style. The name Break dancing comes from the word "Bboy" which means Bronx boy, beat boy or break boy. Now this style of dancing is all around the world.
The origins of Hip Hop are found in African-American culture and music. The griots of West Africa are a group of travelling singers that started hundreds of year ago; their vocal style is similar to rap singers. The term rap was derived in the 1960's, from a slang word that basically meant conversation. The word rap is sometimes used synonimously with hip hop, but we can't forget that Hip Hop is a whole culture.
The history of Hip Hop can be classified into different categories: hip hop music, hip hop dance, hip hop art and hip hop fashion.
Hip Hop music is a vocal style known as rap along with rhythmic backing beats. The history of this music can be divided into two eras, first the old school era (1970-1985) and next the golden age era (1985-1993).
Hip Hop art, also refered as "Tragging" or "Graffiti" was introduced in New York in the 1960's. It's a form of art in which the author usually signs of the wall, since this form of art is generally seen on walls, from streets of subways.
Hip hop fashion became very popular around teenagers around 1960 and in the 1980's Kani started the first hip hop fashion brand. The main characteristic this fashion was baggy clothes and a whole lot of accesories like diamond earings,golden necklaces, multi-fingered rings, baseball caps and custom sneakers.
Hip hop dance or Break dancing is a dance known for its frenetic, distinctive style. The name Break dancing comes from the word "Bboy" which means Bronx boy, beat boy or break boy. Now this style of dancing is all around the world.
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